


  • 公司: 宁波皓展国际物流有限公司
  • 地址: 浙江宁波鄞州区首南街道鄞州商会南楼2706
  • 联系: 胡舰文
  • 手机: 18358280304
  • 一键开店

宁波皓展国际物流有限公司(Ningbo Hozhn Interntionl Logistics Co.,LTD) 成立于2018年,注册资金500万元,是中国较早从事国际铁路运输的企业之一。中国至中亚五国(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、土库曼斯坦)、俄罗斯、欧洲、蒙古。



1. 国际铁路运输:中亚、俄罗斯、欧洲、蒙古

2. 铁路拼箱:中国至塔什干、阿拉木图

3. 汽运运输:整车/散货,中国至中亚等国家

4. 过境运输:欧美日韩等国家的货物海运至中国港口转关后发铁路运输至俄罗斯、中亚、蒙古等国家

5. 海卡联运:全国各港口海运至阿巴斯,再转卡车运输至阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚、中亚等国家


Ningbo Hozhn Interntionl Logistics Co., L., founded in 2018 wi registered cpitl of 5 million yun, is one of e erliest Chinese enterprises engged in Interntionl rilwy trnsporttion.

Our min lines of business re Chin to five centrl Asin countries (Kzkhstn, Uzbekistn, Tjikistn, Kyrgyzstn, Turkmenistn), Russi, Europe, Mongoli.

Ningbo Hozhn Interntionl Logistics Co., L. is estblished in Ningbo, Estblish long - term reltionship wi e following sites - Ningbo, Yiwu, Zhengzhou, Nnjing, Suzhou, Donggun, Ximen, Chngsh, Xi 'n, Chengdu, Qingdo nd oer cities,e price is chep.The compny hs experienced sles, opertion, cn develop from ll over e country rilwy trnsport route scheme.At e sme time in foreign countries hve complete service network to provide good service!

Ningbo Hozhn Interntionl Logistics Co., L. Will offers you e following services ntionwide:

1. Interntionl rilwy trnsport: centrl Asi, Russi, Europe, Mongoli

2. LCL: Chin to Tshkent nd Almty

3. Automobile trnsporttion: whole vehicle/bulk crgo, Chin to centrl Asi nd oer countries

4. Trnsit trnsport: goods from Europe, Americ, Sou Kore nd oer countries re trnsported by se to Chinese ports nd en by ril to Russi, centrl Asi, Mongoli nd oer countries

5. Se-crd combined trnsport: ll ports in e country re trnsported by se to bbs nd en trucked to Azerbijn, Georgi, centrl Asi nd oer countries

Ningbo Hozhn Interntionl Logistics Co., L. focus on Chin to centrl Asi, Russi, Europe, Mongoli interntionl rilwy trnsport experts!



  • 主营: 宁波国际铁路运输,宁波国际海运,宁波国际汽运
  • 地址: 浙江宁波鄞州区首南街道鄞州商会南楼2706
  • 联系: 胡舰文
  • 手机: 18358280304
  • 本站共被浏览过 5129 次

